our-nintendo it's ours to share!

Welcome to your-nintendo

Welcome to our-nintendo, this is the site where nintendo is to share its wonderfull games and consoles, there is no game company supirior to nintendo, im sorry that we keep on changing sites but i realy think we will stay with this one because i can now edit it to my pleasure, no limits no options just html heaven. so we hope you enjoy your stay at your-nintendo.

Action replay ds

Action replay is a game card that lets you cheat... we know that doesnt sound ok but if you ever got one you wouldnt care less because say your on animal crossing and one of your friens decides to start new game and has no money, with action replay you can give him all the money he needs or wants! i know that there are lots of people on youtube that don't like it because some people go around breaking peoples ds's but that doesnt matter because they arnt nice people but if you brought an action replay and animal crossing im pretty sure that you would atleast seed one person in your life time...

Why we keep saying your-nintendo...

We keep on saying your-nintendo because nintendo isn't just ours its yours aswell, so we hope that you understand what we mean now because i was starting to wonder why  we kept on calling it that aswell...

This is the last site we will make, we think...

Ok guys we know that you are getting bored about all this changing site servers and other stuff like that... but we hope that this will be the last website that we make(about our-nintendo) but you can never be sure i said that weebly would be the last one but no i decided to change it to this one witch is running on a host and a domain name that WE have to PAY for i will not tell how much because aslong as you are happy so are we, thanks for your time and enjoy your stay!

Some of our pics!

Above is a video of a guys pivot stickfigure animation, if you can find the actual link wich i can't then you will see how fluid it is, not compared to mine, if you like the idea of stick figure animation then google this: download pivot stickfigure animation, then go on one of the site and if you think you trust them download it, it should be for free if not do not download it because it will be a con, a setup so that you download it for money when it should be free, thanks again and hope to see you soon!